Physics Laboratory

Only theoretical knowledge is not enough to have an all round growth and development, practical use of it is also necessary. Our labs are well equipped for the students to produce through trial and error different outcomes. This also secures their theoretical knowledge.
Progress of science depends on experimentation which forms the foundation of the growth & development of science. The chief aim of experimentation in science is to discover the laws which govern a certain phenomenon to verify a given law.
Physics is an experimental science. Performing experiments by one’s own hands is far more important because it involves learning by doing. It is needless to emphasize that for a systematic and scientific training of a young mind, a genuine laboratory is must.
The school has well equipped , spacious Physics laboratory. A well qualified lab assistant on regular basis has been appointed by the school management so that precious time of students is not wasted when they come to laboratory to perform experiment.
There are large numbers of demonstration models available in the laboratory which is used by science teachers as a teaching aid for effective learning of the subject by the students.